Content Hacker: Live Group Workshops CLOSED







Live Group Workshop with Julia


Live Workshop January 20 2022, 11 AM CT Email Copywriting Workshop (CLOSED)


Closed: Get on the Waitlist for Our Next One





live training with Julia

Registration Closed: Tell Me About the Next One!


teams content hacker workshop

Agencies & Businesses

Your staff will significantly benefit from being able to attend this class live and learn how to see more sales from everything you publish. Ask your boss to secure seats so your marketing team joins in live and grows together as a whole. All your questions answered on the live call.

marketers content hacker workshop

Marketers & Entrepreneurs

Marketers and entrepreneurs that need to oversee their content creation will get a ton of good out of this live training on how to increase conversions. Perfect for the single solopreneur, marketer, or entrepreneur ready and willing to do what it takes to see more sales and conversions happen.